Monday, October 29, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Apples from Carmel

I didn't realize Carmel, CA, had their own variety of apples.

And let's not even bother to discuss the redneck concept of Halloween tailgating.

Friday, October 26, 2012

More collegiate blunders

There are so many things wrong with this screen shot, but most amusing for me are the non-transparent transparent images.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Yah, Mon!


(With 'can' left out, it makes more sense if you read it with a Jamaican accent.)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Um, I don't think so

A book review found on, regarding the new book, Spillover:

"I thought that this book was absolutely intriguing. It was very informative and scientific of course, but the author does an amazing job of turning this very factual and informative book into a story as well. It was very fun to read and I couldn't put it down. You won't go wrong reading this book, so if your thinking about buying it because the picture on the front is so awesome but your worried what's inside isn't, don't worry, you won't be let down. Just be aware that if your not into learning then you won't like this book. Zoonosis, the main topic of the book, is something all of Earth's citizens should be aware of, because like he mentions in this text, if your not to sure what zoonosis is now, don't worry, it won't be long before it's a household word, and how right he is! To win a war you must have knowledge, and make no mistake about it, the war on humans is very real, with the enemy being nature itself! If your worried that this book might be apocalyptic, don't be, it's not. The author just wants the reader, and the world for that matter, to be informed of the very real danger that biological specimens pose on the human-animal! Thanks Mr. Quammen for this amazing book. I'm thinking about doing graduate studies in virology because of this book!"